FEB 05, 2018


Trying For A Baby?
If you are currently trying for a baby read on...
There are a few things that you should be aware of before you try, as it may make this process easier and less frustrating.
1. Learn about your cycles
Let's face it, when we are young we really don't care too much about the length of our cycles, the cervical mucus, the physical feelings of ovulation or when we are most fertile. I think most of us just hope it's a short bleeding period and we can get back to hanging with friends at the beach.
It's not till we are trying for a baby, that we start to take notice of what is going on with our cycles, even more so for those who are struggling to conceive.
It's important to know when you are most fertile, the signs to watch out for and basic knowledge about what is happening biologically. For me, this knowledge came from the resource 'Taking Charge of Your Fertility' book. It's amazing and I highly recommend anyone reads this when you are first trying to conceive.
2. Track your cycles
Tracking can be slightly frustrating, but once you get into the habit of it, it's not too bad and quite interesting. Get your hands on a great app, or I actually use the printable resource from our Fit & Fab Pre-Pregnancy Program'. You can really work out if you are ovulating, if you may have miscarried if you are pregnant and if you may have some anovulatory issues.
3. Understand your nutritional needs
Our bodies need to create a baby, so in order for the miracle to happen, we need to make sure we have the right nutrients for ourselves and of course for the healthy development of our babies to be.  You can get your hands on the best PANTRY LIST to take with you to the shops as a guide to what should be in your trolly.
4. Get the right supplements/nutrients
Folic acid is one of the top supplements that should be taken about 3 months before prior to pregnancy. I also personally take a vegan based 'superfood blend' which has helped me with my symptoms of PCOS and overall optimal health.
It's also a great idea to request a blood test from your GP, just to make sure everything is in the normal range and you have no deficiencies you should be aware of.
5. Be your own doctor
Coming from experience, I wish that I had followed my instincts in knowing I had an underlying issue of why I wasn't getting pregnant. My first OBGYN told me everything was fine. I had one child, so there will be no issues for the next.
Hadn't he heard of secondary infertility? Obviously not. Push the clock forward a year or so and I was diagnosed with PCOS. I am now taking control of it, but was a long road getting there and wasted a lot of time for us whilst trying to conceive.
6. Stay fit
Lucky last. I saved the best for last. Being fit and healthy doesn't only lift you up, it's important to get your circulation flowing and your body ready for the gift of pregnancy. There are many benefits, read 'Want to know why you need to exercise before you get pregnant?' to see more. If you want to stay a healthy weight now and through your pregnancy, even post-pregnancy, starting a low impact training program is a great place to start.
Just 3 days a week, less than 30 minutes a session and focusing on the core - doesn't get much better than that! If you choose our programs, there are also loads of goodies inside such as printable food diaries, trackers, recipes and much more!