4 Easy Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
I can't speak for everyone, but from what I have seen, most women would rather avoid stretch marks if possible. In saying that, there's also something to be said for our bodies being blessed with a pregnancy and the 'battle scar's are just a reminder of how 'superhuman' we are.
The below is a list of easy and implementable things you can start today, even if you are just trying to conceive. In fact, this should be part of everyone's routine, really. If you're not doing all these 4, why not start today and give yourself a head start to the prevention of stretch marks.
Did I get stretch marks?
For my first pregnancy, I didn't. I did do all of the below but let's see if it's going to hold me through with a twin pregnancy. I will update you when I'm further along. Currently sitting at 17 weeks and too small for them to make an appearance..yet.
As I type this, my hands a slightly oily from the lather of my coconut oil! I promise all that I recommend I do myself.
1. Drink More Water - Drinking enough water means your skin will be hydrated and softer. Stretch marks tend to appear more when the skin is dry. If you're consuming caffeine, be sure to take that into account. I was once told by a Chinese doctor that for every coffee you should drink about 4 cups of water.
Tip: Make a jug of water with fresh mint and sliced lemons. Transfer it to your water bottle if you're on the run. Refreshing and tastes delish.
2. Exercise - Exercise improves circulation, which keeps the skin elastic and more able to stretch as it grows. So just another reason to keep up the sweat! If you have been using the pre-pregnancy program you should have no issues transitioning to a safe exercise routine during your pregnancy. Always consult your doctor before taking up a new exercise routine.
3. Take care of your nutrition - There are some vitamins and minerals you can include in your diet to aid in reducing or preventing stretch marks.